Call me maybe? Teaching your pup to come on command!

Teaching your pup to come on command!

Woof woof! Want your pup to come to you? Here’s how!

As a dog owner, having a pup that comes to you on command is crucial for their safety and your peace of mind. Whether you’re at the park or in your backyard, being able to call your dog and have them come running to you is essential. But how do you train your furry friend to come on command? Don’t worry; it’s easier than you think!

With some patience, positive reinforcement, and a little bit of training, you can teach your pup to come running when you call them. In this article, we’ll go over some tips and tricks to help you train your pup to be an excellent listener and come to you whenever you call them.

From sit to come: Train your furry friend to be a good listener

The first step in teaching your pup to come on command is to make sure they understand the “sit” command. Once your pup knows how to sit, you can start working on the “come” command.

Start by standing a few feet away from your dog with some treats in your hand. Say, “come” in a cheerful voice, and when your pup comes to you, give them a treat and lots of praise. Repeat this several times until your pup starts to understand that “come” means to come to you for a treat.

As your pup gets better at coming to you for a treat, start to increase the distance between you and your dog. Keep practicing until your pup can come to you from across the room or yard.

Remember to always use a happy voice and lots of praise when your pup comes to you. Never punish your dog for not coming to you, as this will only make them fearful and less likely to come when called.

With patience and practice, your pup will become a pro at coming to you on command.

Keep it fun!

Training your pup to come on command can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your dog. Remember to keep the training sessions short and positive, and always end on a high note.

Use treats and lots of praise to reward your pup for coming to you, and make sure to practice in different environments to help your pup become comfortable coming to you no matter where you are.

By following these tips and putting in some time and effort, you can teach your pup to be a great listener and come to you whenever you call them.

In conclusion, teaching your pup to come on command is an essential part of being a responsible dog owner. With some patience, positive reinforcement, and a little bit of training, you can help your furry friend become a great listener and come running to you whenever you call them.

Remember to keep the training sessions fun and positive, and always end on a high note. With a little bit of practice and consistency, your pup will become a pro at coming to you on command. Happy training!

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